Facial Reshaping

Facial Reshaping

Facial Reshaping Treatment yang bertujuan untuk menjadikan wajah kencang, mengatasi keriput atau kerutan serta membentuk kontur wajah.


Pigmentation Tretament yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi pigmentasi, kulit kusam dan kering serta mengatasi warna kulit yang tidak rata.



Tretament yang bertujuan untuk meregenerasi sel, meremajakan, melembabkan serta memperbaiki tekstur kuli.

Acne & Scar Acne

Acne & Scar Acne

Treatment yang bertujuan untuk solusi mengatasi kulit berminyak dan berjerawat serta mengatasi bekas jerawat (bopeng, bercak & pigmentasi).

Solusi Tepat & Hasil Yang Nyata

Solusi Tepat & Hasil Yang Nyata

Kami membantu Anda mendapatkan tampilan wajah terbaik dengan menggabungkan seni dan ilmu estetika untuk menciptakan kecantikan dan keindahan wajah secara holistik dengan menggunakan metode inovatif dari sudut pandang estetika yang profesional dan ideal. Solusi & penanganan yang kami berikan adalah kombinasi program treatment, perawatan medis oleh dokter profesional dan perawatan estetik oleh beauty therapist berpengalaman, didukung dengan teknologi estetika yang canggih.
Harga Spesial DISC 50%

Harga Spesial DISC 50%

Penangana oleh profesional & tim berpengalaman juga tersertifikasi, untuk mendapatkan harga spesial dari kami screen shoot kemudian kirimkan halaman website ini saat melakukan konsultasi online. "Syarat & Ketentuan Berlaku"

Dapatkan Layanan Terbaik

Solusi, perawatan dan penanganan yang tepat oleh tenaga medis profesional dan berpengalaman untuk mendapatkan hasil yang nyata !

Skin Booster

The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.

Dermal Infusion

The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.

Hiper Figment

The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.

Selulit & Strech Mark

The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.

Acne & Scar Acne

The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.


The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.

Face Counturing

The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.


The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.

Thread Lift

The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.


Klinik Utama Pandawa adalah salah satu klinik terbaik yang ada di Jakarta berdiri sejak tahun 2012 kemudian berkembang. Klinik pandawa didirikan oleh beberapa dokter yang berpengalaman, ahli dan konsen di kasus-kasus yang berhubungan dengan penyakit andrologi, ginekologi, bedah, kulit dan kelamin.
